Thursday, August 30, 2007

White Sox-Tigers Brawl 2000

Ok. So I found the Tigers-White Sox brawl of 2000. Unfortunately, it is only on youtube and the quality is pretty crappy. But here you go

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

9/26/07: These videos have been removed from youtube.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I am having problems finding two videos

Ok. So I have been looking for two videos that seem to be non-existent. The first was the White sox-Tigers game on April 22, 2000. 16 players were ejected that game. The second was the more recent Jose Offerman beating a pitcher with his baseball bat. If anyone has either of those, please contact me.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Farnsworth Fight Videos and much more

I found the link to the Farnsworth fight videos. It is becoming harder and harder to find baseball fight footage because MLB is trying to clean up their image by having it removed.

Anyway, here you go.

Farnsworth vs. Wilson Fight-In case the link below doesn't work, copy and paste the address below into realplayer


Farnsworth Wilson Fight Cubs Reds

Farnsworth Detroit-KC Fight Video

Also, if you want to see the top ten baseball fights as ranked by ESPN

Funny Video - Top Ten Baseball Fights

Blue Jays Manager John Gibbons and Pitcher Ted Lilly Confrontation

Arod Varitek Fight

George Bell fights Aaron Sele

Troy Percival fights David Justice

Don Zimmer fights Pedro Martinez- this clip is the same deal as the first farnsworth clip. Copy the following link and paste it into your real player manually.


George Brett Pinetar Incident You can right-click and save target as if you want to have it on your computer. File type-AVI

Pierzynski-Michael Barrett Collision at the Plate

Minor League Baseball

Joe Mikulik Coach Meltdown

Phillip Wellman Vietnam Meltdown